(This chapter makes me almost want to reread War and Peace as well as Les Miserables.) Russian strategy of withdrawal . . . lure N. into the country . . . N. aware of the trap, but falls into anyway, always thinking that the decisive battle must occur soon . . . Vilnius as base for N. , , , Russians systematically destroy crops, windmills, bridges, livestocks, fodder, shelter, grain--anything that the French could use-- as they retreat . . . scorched earth--their own earth . . . Russia before the scorched earth policy would have not provided food for N's troops . . . 1000 horses die every day for 175 days French army spends in Russia . . . Typhus fever hits N's troops . . .80,000 dead or sick from typhus . . . fever, shaking, congestion of the brain, death . . . N. misled regarding state of health of his troops and state of food supply . . . Russians avoid battle, fleeing with precision: "There appeared more order in their defeat than in our victory." . . . N. presses on, boldness being his trademark and fearful of showing hesitation . . . incredible heat in August . . . simultaneously, Wellington defeats the French in Iberia at the battle of Salamanca . . . food shortages force N's men to go out into countryside where Russian irregulars kills them or take them prisoner . . .vast size of Russia overwhelms N's ability to invade . . .. Battle of Borodino--bloodiest battle untle the first battle of the Marne a century later . . . N wins, but not decisively . . . Russian army withdraws, again . . . N. criticized for not risking his Guard (elite troops) to the battle . . . he felt the need to keep them back in case . . . was it a mistake? Historians mixed, as was N.
Solid opening 30 minutes (we're treating this like a mini-series). O's involvement with left-wing causes . . . rift with Einstein (O thinks of him as over-the-hill and Einstein knows it.) First splitting of atom. Lawrence Lab in Berkeley--Lawrence practical applied physics . . . not O's strength. Main actor is from Peaky Blinders.
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