Israel articles. One interesting insight--people say that the conditions between Palestinians and Israelis are unsustainable, yet they've been sustained for over forty years. Israel patient. Israel also becoming more religious, more dominated by Sephardic Jews who tend to be more hard-line vs. Arab States.
Portrait of the Artist
I reached the "retreat" section and stopped. I'm interested how this will read. As a young adult, I thought it fantastic. In my forties, I remember being disappointed as it seemed over the top (especially the description of hell). So now . . . I'll find out in the next day or two.
Portrait of the Artist
I reached the "retreat" section and stopped. I'm interested how this will read. As a young adult, I thought it fantastic. In my forties, I remember being disappointed as it seemed over the top (especially the description of hell). So now . . . I'll find out in the next day or two.
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