25% finished--very enjoyable, informative, interesting book.
Darwin as main figure in appreciation of earthworms. Detailed notes and observations in the latter years of his life lead to a book on earthworms that is ridiculed by some at the time but which is now seen to have rightly pinpointed the value of worms. "The key to Darwin's genius was the ability to stretch his imagination to encompass geological time--thousands of years, thousands of centuries."
"Worms through their actions, substantially change the earth. Tehy alter its composition,increase its capacity to absord and hold water, and bring about an increase in nutrients and microoranisms. They work alongside humans, extracting a life from the land. They move the earth, a remarkable accomplishment for a creature that weighs only a fraction on an ounce."
"They evaluated, they experimented, they made decisions." Darwin
Earthworms as distinguishing the best side to pull needles by, the best way to bring paper into their nests, etc. What they do is more than chance--they are smart.
Darwin on himself: "I think I am superior to the common run of men in noticing things which easily escape attention, and in observing them carefully."
Australian worms so large that farmers can hear a gurgling sound "coming from deep within the earth when the worm is on the move."
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