Mississippi Mary. This is a story of the visit of Angelina, a middle-aged woman, with her mother (78) who now lives in Italy with an Italian man who is 15 years younger. The two--close once--try to communicate across the generations and across the continents. They succeed and fail at different times.
Mom is content with her life in Italy, daughter (Angelina, mom's angel) is unhappy that mother is content.Daughter also reveals that she is having matrimonial problems of her own. Her problem: her husband complains that Angelina is more in love with her mother then she is with him. This struck me as a rather unlikely problem as the mother has been living in Italy for four years and this is the daughter's first visit.
Mom is content with her life in Italy, daughter (Angelina, mom's angel) is unhappy that mother is content.Daughter also reveals that she is having matrimonial problems of her own. Her problem: her husband complains that Angelina is more in love with her mother then she is with him. This struck me as a rather unlikely problem as the mother has been living in Italy for four years and this is the daughter's first visit.
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