Incredible power over his "parishioners." they break into two groups. The socialists--educated and interested in the political mission of the church. The poor and elderly who benefit from the good works of the church (which are real) but who also turn over their Social Security checks. All members turn over all money.
Jones now has numerous sexual partners among church leaders, mainly women but some men. A "gang of eight" objects to his philandering and to the lack of blacks in any leadership roles. they are forced out. An Examiner expose hurts the church for a while, but Jones somehow shrugs it off. Cruelty: a sex offender has his penis swatted a number of times (yikes!). A woman at a leadership meeting is forced to strip naked, is told she lusts after JJ but that he finds her repulsive, and then has to sit through the rest of the meeting naked. She doesn't leave the Chuch or even object.
Communication with Guyana. Guyana wants Americans on their soil to discourage Venezuala from military action against Guyana. Guyana is English speaking, so Jones likes it. Weird both-sides-using-one-another set up.
Jones now has numerous sexual partners among church leaders, mainly women but some men. A "gang of eight" objects to his philandering and to the lack of blacks in any leadership roles. they are forced out. An Examiner expose hurts the church for a while, but Jones somehow shrugs it off. Cruelty: a sex offender has his penis swatted a number of times (yikes!). A woman at a leadership meeting is forced to strip naked, is told she lusts after JJ but that he finds her repulsive, and then has to sit through the rest of the meeting naked. She doesn't leave the Chuch or even object.
Communication with Guyana. Guyana wants Americans on their soil to discourage Venezuala from military action against Guyana. Guyana is English speaking, so Jones likes it. Weird both-sides-using-one-another set up.
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