Naveed, Hayat's father, interesting character. To my mind, his disdain for religion is right on target. He tells Nathan, as they enter the mosque for service, "We are going to the Middle Ages." However, he's a horrible, philandering husband and an erratic father.
In a religious fervor, Hayat sends a telegram to Mina's ex-husband informing him that Mina is about to marry a non-believer. This after the wild anti-Semitic rantings of the Imam. Lots of action: broken arm, burned Quran. Terrific book!
In a religious fervor, Hayat sends a telegram to Mina's ex-husband informing him that Mina is about to marry a non-believer. This after the wild anti-Semitic rantings of the Imam. Lots of action: broken arm, burned Quran. Terrific book!
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