Pino is in the Alps, away from the bombing of Milan. The priest with whom he stays sends him on rigorous climbing excursion. Pino is not sure why, but learns that the priest is saving Jews by guiding them to Switzerland. Pino becomes the number one guide. Adventures on the trips: avalanches, out of shape hikers, etc. keep the action going in some ways but also seem a bit like padding. Nazis are now suspicious of the priest. Pino is called by his family back to Italy. Why?
Solid opening 30 minutes (we're treating this like a mini-series). O's involvement with left-wing causes . . . rift with Einstein (O thinks of him as over-the-hill and Einstein knows it.) First splitting of atom. Lawrence Lab in Berkeley--Lawrence practical applied physics . . . not O's strength. Main actor is from Peaky Blinders.
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