A real screamer. Paul Newman is alcoholic former athlete fighting with his unloving father and his wife (Elizabeth Taylor). He won't sleep with Liz because of the death of Scooter, his buddy, which he blames on her. Weird plot--she sort of seduces Scooter to get Paul Newman (Brick) to see that his good friend isn't so good, but then changes her mind and doesn't sleep with him. (!?) Scooter then calls Paul Newman who hangs up on him--what a phone call I was thinking of sleeping with your wife and --. After Newman hangs up, Scooter jumps out the window. (All off screen.) At the end, Newman reconciles with both Dad and Liz, deigning to sleep with her. Ha! What a sacrifice!
Solid opening 30 minutes (we're treating this like a mini-series). O's involvement with left-wing causes . . . rift with Einstein (O thinks of him as over-the-hill and Einstein knows it.) First splitting of atom. Lawrence Lab in Berkeley--Lawrence practical applied physics . . . not O's strength. Main actor is from Peaky Blinders.
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