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Showing posts from June, 2020

Killing Eve Season 1 Episode 5

Trying for the "double" theme, but not working so far.  Eve is pretty normal in the sense that she's normally unhappy. V. is a psychopath.  They meet a couple of times. V. doesn't kill Eve because . . . I guess some empathy, kindred feeling.  Now V. is off to Russia to finish off Nadia who didn't die even though she was run over a couple of times.  Keep waiting to get hooked . . . hasn't happened yet.  Lightly likeable, but tries so hard to be off-beat.

Oceans 11

Brad Pitt etc. Never saw it when it came out.  Expected this to be lively, smart, etc.  I don't know . . . maybe it loses on the small screen . . . but didn't work for me.  Twenty minutes of a good try, and then back to DVD Netflix.

Killing Eve Season 1 episode 1,2,3

Sandra Oh.  Just okay so far.  A bit of a yawner.  She is in MI6 and is after a female assassin (cartoon character) who loves to kill and is cool as a cucumber and as efficient as a robot. Plot enlivened by quirky moments. Discovery Bill is bisexual. Giggling over death of boss's wife.  The attempt at quirky seems a bit forced, as if writers said to themselves:  Okay, three quirky moments per show.